Cataracts are cloudy patches that develop on the lens of the eye. They are a condition most commonly associated with aging. The majority of patients diagnosed with cataracts are over 65 years old. However, it’s important to understand that cataracts can occur at any age due to various factors.


The lens of the eye is a clear, transparent disc located in a lens capsule behind the pupil. This lens focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eye, enabling us to see clearly. As cataracts develop, they obstruct this light, causing vision to deteriorate.


Understanding Cataracts


Initially, the symptoms of cataracts might not be noticeable, and they can go undetected for a considerable time. This is why regular eye check-ups are crucial. Over the years, untreated cataracts can lead to significant vision impairment and, eventually, blindness.


Symptoms to Watch For


Several symptoms may indicate the presence of cataracts. These include:


  • Cloudy, blurred, or dim vision: A general lack of clarity in vision that worsens over time.
  • Difficulty with glare, especially at night: Lights may seem overly bright, or you may struggle with glare from headlights while driving.
  • Sensitivity to light: Bright light may cause discomfort.
  • Seeing ‘halos’ around lights: Lights may have rings around them.
  • Frequent changes in prescription glasses: Needing stronger prescriptions more often.
  • Fading or yellowing of colors: Colours may appear less vibrant.
  • Double vision in a single eye: Seeing double in one eye only.


Causes of Cataracts


While cataracts are primarily linked to aging, other factors can contribute to their development, including:


  • Injury: Trauma to the eye can lead to cataract formation.
  • Radiotherapy treatment: Exposure to radiation can increase the risk.
  • Smoking: This habit is a known risk factor for various eye conditions, including cataracts.
  • Diabetes: This medical condition can lead to various eye issues, including cataracts.
  • Excessive UV light exposure: Unprotected exposure to sunlight can damage the eyes.
  • Steroid use: Long-term use of steroid medications can contribute to cataract formation.


Cataracts can affect one or both eyes. The only effective treatment is cataract surgery, a procedure where the cloudy lens is replaced with an artificial one. This surgery is straightforward and can restore vision effectively. When cataracts are present in both eyes, surgeries are usually done on both eyes on the same day.


The Cataract Operation


Cataract surgery is a relatively simple and quick procedure, usually taking less than 30 minutes per eye. Patients are typically able to go home within one or two hours after surgery. During the operation, a local anesthetic is administered via eye drops or an injection to numb the area. A small incision is made at the edge of the cornea, and ultrasound waves are used to break up the cloudy lens. The damaged lens is then removed through a small tube, and a new artificial lens is inserted.


Recovery Time


Initial bruising and soreness usually improve within a few days, but it can take a few weeks for your eye to completely heal₂. Your doctor will provide information on suitable painkillers to manage any discomfort.


Essential Aftercare Tips


Aftercare is a crucial part of the recovery process. Following your doctor’s advice will significantly improve your healing time and the success of your surgery. Here are the top aftercare dos and don’ts:


Do Follow Professional Advice


You will likely be prescribed painkillers and eye drops to aid your recovery. Administer eye drops as prescribed, as they are crucial for preventing infection and reducing inflammation. Following these instructions precisely is critical to a successful recovery.


Do Rest


Despite the simplicity of cataract surgery, it is essential to rest. Avoid driving on the first day after surgery and refrain from heavy lifting or strenuous activities for a few weeks. Use this time to relax and allow your eye to heal correctly.


Do Use Protection


After surgery, you have to use an eye shield and sunglasses to protect your eye from irritants such as bright light, wind, dust, and grime. Use sunglasses immediately after the operation until light sensitivity subsides. Wear the protective shield at night and during naps for at least a week post-surgery. These measures help prevent infection and support recovery.


Don’t Suffer in Silence


If your symptoms worsen, contact your doctor immediately. Severe pain, loss of vision, blurred vision, or redness should prompt you to seek professional advice. If your doctor is unavailable, visit your local A&E department and inform them of your recent cataract operation. It’s always better to be cautious and seek help if needed.


Don’t Use Products


To give your eye the best chance of recovery, avoid using makeup, soaps, and cosmetics until your eye fully heals. Contact with these products can increase the risk of infection and slow down the healing process.


Don’t Compare Your Recovery


Recovery times vary widely from person to person. While some may recover in 4-6 weeks₂, others might take longer. Be patient and allow your body the time it needs to heal correctly without comparing your progress to others.


Precision Vision London: Your Partner in Eye Health


At Precision Vision London, we are dedicated to providing top-notch eye care services, including cataract surgery. Our experienced team ensures that each patient receives personalized care and attention. We understand that the prospect of eye surgery can be daunting, but our skilled professionals are here to guide you through every step of the process.


If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of cataracts, don’t wait. Early detection and treatment can make a significant difference. Contact us at 020 3884 6805 or book an appointment online today. Let us help you restore your vision and improve your quality of life.




Cataract surgery is a straightforward and effective solution to restore vision. Following professional advice and taking proper care of your eye post-surgery is crucial for a successful recovery. At Precision Vision London, we are here to support you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any concerns or to schedule your surgery.

Remember, your eye health is essential. Regular check-ups and timely treatment can prevent complications and ensure a clear, bright future.