
lasek eye surgery

What is Lasek?

LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) is a refractive eye surgery that corrects vision by reshaping the cornea’s surface. Precision Vision, located in the heart of London and led by renowned surgeon Dr. CT Pillai, specialises in personalised treatments like LASEK and LASIK, prioritising quality care to provide patients with optimal results and the freedom from glasses through their expertise in laser eye surgery in London.

Laser Surgery Prices starting from just £89.58 per eye/month.

with a £250 deposit for 24 months

About Lasek Laser Eye Surgery

About Lasek Suitability


LASEK stands for laser-assisted sub-epithelial keratectomy and the results are as excellent as with LASIK treatment.

The difference is that LASEK is a surface treatment. Instead of a flap being created, the epithelium (top layer of corneal cells) is loosened with 20% alcohol solution, and moved to the side whilst the cool beam from the excimer laser reshapes the cornea (just like in LASIK treatment). The layer is then put back into its original position and takes 3 to 4 days to heal, and can be uncomfortable during this time.

Advanced Wavefront LASEK is able to treat a wide variety of prescriptions; long-sight, short-sight and astigmatism.

This procedure is normally carried out at our Harley Street clinic to treat individuals whose corneas are too thin for LASIK, or for those who participate in contact sports as a profession.

Prevision Vision are leading provider of LASIK and LASEK eye surgery. Our lead surgeon, Dr CT Pillai, is widely recognised as one of the best laser eye surgeons in the world with over 30 years of surgical experience. He is a pioneering surgeon, committed to providing every patient with the best possible treatment available using the most state-of-the-art technology so that every patient can enjoy outstanding results. As with any treatment, it is important to find a qualified and skilled surgeon, and Dr. CT Pillai’s expertise makes him one of the most sought-after refractive surgeons in the country.

lasek eye surgery working


Advanced Wavefront LASEK is used to treat a variety of prescriptions, long-sight, short-sight and astigmatism, and all within the space of a few minutes. It can also be used to treat those found unsuitable for LASIK treatment.

To be potentially suitable you must be:

Aged over the age of 18
Within the following prescription range: Between -9 DS (short sighted) and +2 DS (long sighted), up to -5 DC (astigmatism)
Have a stable prescription
Good general health

With the best international surgical team in the UK, our combined expertise in laser and non-laser treatments is without precedent. We take great pride in having the skills to help even those who have been turned down by other clinics. So book a consultation now to learn how Precision Vision can perfect your sight and improve your quality of life today.


Although we are passionate about correcting the sight of all those we possibly can, Precision Vision neither provides experimental treatments nor operates on those who suffer from conditions that prevent safe and ethical treatment.

Common reasons patients are found unsuitable for LASEK treatment include:

Age: patients younger than 18 are ineligible.
Pregnancy or breastfeeding: hormonal changes experienced during pregnancy and breastfeeding can temporarily affect the refractive errors of the individual
Unusually thin corneas
Exceptionally large pupils
Unstable prescription: patients whose prescriptions have changed significantly in the past year should wait until their vision stabilises
Certain medications: You would be ruled out for laser surgery at our London clinic if you are taking immunosuppressant drugs.
Specific health conditions: These include herpes virus or hepatitis C. You would also be exempt from treatment if you suffer from certain autoimmune diseases.
Previous instance of serious eye trauma or retinal detachment.


About Benefits Treatment Process


Laser eye surgery involves reshaping the cornea at the front of eye to correct visual defects and imperfections like short sight, long sight and astigmatism. Laser treatment is designed to alter the point where the light reaches in the eye (retina). To correct short sight, the cornea is flattened and to correct long sight, the cornea is curved.

During LASEK treatment, the epithelium (a very thin corneal surface layer of cells) is preserved. This epithelium is then used in re-covering the cornea once the laser sculpting is complete. In contrast, LASIK creates a thicker flap with the use of a laser, beneath which the laser sculpting takes place.

LASEK surgery is able to achieve the same visual outcomes as LASIK as both use the same technology, technique and require a personalised treatment plan.

The main difference between the two treatments is how the preparation stage is conducted; the creation of the corneal flap. As a result, the visual recovery following LASEK is slightly longer compared to LASIK due to it being a surface treatment.

We are leading providers in LASEK laser eye surgery, not just because of our state of the art technology, but more importantly due to Dr. CT Pillai, Precision Vision’s Medical Director who is a highly skilled corneal specialist and is extremely sought after in the field of vision correction. You will be in the hands of an expert pioneering surgeon who has over 30 years of experience in the field of refractive surgery. Having an experienced surgeon carry out your LASEK procedure is paramount in ensuring you are getting the very best quality of vision and in the safest manner possible.


Freedom from contact lenses (no dryness, irritation, hassle)
Freedom from glasses (no more steaming up, slipping off)
Improved confidence
Better sport’s performance
Good option for those with thin corneas
Approved for patients who participate in contact sports
No more glasses falling down or steaming up
Cost effectiveness in the long run
LASEK treatment approved by the FDA in 1995

Precision Vision London provide all our patients with only clinically trialled and tested treatments and LASEK is no different with treatment having been approved by the FDA in 1995.

We are one of the leading providers in LASEK eye surgery, not just because of our state of the art technology, but more importantly due to Mr CT Pillai, Precision Vision’s Medical Director who is a highly skilled corneal specialist and is extremely sought after in the field of vision correction.

You will be in the hands of an expert pioneering surgeon who has over 30 years’ of experience in the field of refractive surgery. Having an experienced surgeon carry out your laser procedure is paramount in ensuring you are getting the very best quality of vision and in the safest manner possible. For these reasons and many more,

Precision Vision is increasingly the eye clinic of choice for patients wanting vision correction across the globe.

Treatment Process

On the day of your LASEK surgery, avoid wearing eye makeup or any hair accessories that could make it difficult for you to properly position your head beneath the laser.

When arriving at the clinic on the day of surgery our friendly and experienced clinical team will guide you through every step of the way. The treatment is painless and only takes 20 minutes for both eyes.

The LASEK eye surgery procedure is as follows:

Anaesthetic drops are then applied to numb the eyes. You will be awake and comfortable throughout the procedure.
The consultant will then apply an eye lid guard which is used to prevent blinking.
The corneal flap is then created manually by using a weak alcohol solution to soften the upper epithelial cells which are then gently moved to expose the tissue
The excimer laser uses your personalised treatment plan to reshape the corneal tissue to correct your prescription.
Throughout the procedure, the Advanced Control Eye-tracking (ACE) system guides the laser during the treatment by following and mirroring the movement of your eye.
A protective soft contact lens is placed in each eye.
Your specialist nurse will go through any precautions and medications that are needed to aid recovery.


SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS Advanced Wavefront technology ACE Eye Tracking System

Schwind Amaris 1050RS

The SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS is a top-tier eye laser system renowned for its unmatched performance in refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery. Equipped with a 1050 Hz pulse rate and 7D eye tracking, it ensures exceptional speed, precision, and safety. Its versatility is highlighted by compatibility with standard laser treatment methods and the innovative SmartSurfACE technology, which promotes faster healing and vision recovery. The device’s convenience is enhanced by a swivelling laser arm, while its premium design adds aesthetic appeal.

High-performance laser system for refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery
Exceptional speed and safety with a 1.3 seconds per dioptre* ablation rate
Precision ensured by 7D eye tracking technology
Versatile applications including touch-free SmartSurfACE treatment
Convenience for both doctor and patient with a swivel laser arm
⁠Premium design with a high-gloss finish

Advanced Wavefront Technology

The Aberrometer meticulously measures the prescription and imperfections (aberrations) of the eye. It does this by passing a beam along 9000 points of the cornea to the retina and calculates the required refractive errors in these exact locations. This data creates a refractive and aberrations profile of each pupil.

The Aberrometer then uses the Zernike algorithm to mathematically reconstruct the wavefront. As the Aberrometer measures total wavefront aberrations and mathematically represents them up to the 5th order Zernike terms, it not just limited to sphere and cylinder (used for glasses and contact lens prescriptions). This data, combined with the many tests performed at your consultation, is used to create a truly personalised treatment plan.

Advanced Wavefront Technology

Ace Eye Tracking System

During the consultation a scan and map the entire iris of each eye is performed. Like finger prints, no two irises are the same and a unique digital identification is generated for each eye. It is this map that forms the foundation from which the multi-dimensional eye tracker operates.

Throughout the procedure the Advanced Control Eye-tracking (ACE) system is used, this is a 7 dimensional eye tracker which will guide the laser during the treatment by tracking and mirroring the movement of the eye, and if there is too much movement the laser will shut off.

Before treatment can begin the ACE system has to first recognise the unique ID for the eye being treated. This ensures the treatment profiles are always associated with the correct patient and the correct eye of the patient.

Ace Eye Tracking System
Iris recognition technology ensures accurate placement of your personalised laser treatment
Tracks all eye movements – 7 dimensions (XYZ, intraoperative rotations and static rotations using iris recognition technology)
Takes pictures of the eye (sampling rate) 1,750 times per second (1750Hz)
Has a response time of 2ms – so no laser pulses are ever misplaced
The eye tracker can follow the most sudden or subtle of eye movements

Your 4 step Treatment Plan

Our approach revolves around prioritising your optimal well-being.

Prior to your consultation

Your first point of contact will be with Precision Vision’s highly trained and knowledgeable patient coordinators.


On the day of your treatment, our clinical team will guide you through the process and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Eye Surgery


At Precision Vision, we believe that it is essential to be selective to ensure that every patient has the best treatment to suit their visual and lifestyle needs which is why determining suitability is incredibly important.


Your aftercare begins immediately after treatment when you are taken to the recovery room to relax and, when you are ready to leave, our specialist nurse will examine you before you go home.

Lasek Price Guide


Deposit payment prior to the consultation – £100

This deposit is taken at the time of booking, if found suitable it is deducted from the cost of treatment and if a patient is unsuitable this will be refunded in full. In cases where a patient is found suitable but does not proceed with treatment, a 50% refund will be provided to cover the cost of the consultation.

Advanced Wavefront LASIK (blade free) – £2400 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Advanced Wavefront LASEK – £2400 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Laser Surgery Blended Vision – £2800 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Specialist Laser Eye Surgery(for high prescriptions) – £2800 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Once the aftercare program has been completed, you will be discharged, however, it is recommended that annual check-ups are attended. 

Precision Vision’s Gold Standard Laser Package includes:  
A fully comprehensive consultation with Precision Vision’s expert team – including essential eye tests, health checks, dilation, biometry and topographic mapping.
A personalised treatment plan tailored to your visual and lifestyle needs.
Both LASIK and LASEK procedures use Advanced Wavefront technology as standard
Safe, gentle, and touch-free treatment with SmartSurf AC
All inclusive 12 month aftercare program.
24-hour post treatment telephone access to Precision Vision's expert team.
All post-operative medication is provided for 1 month after surgery.
Laser fine tuning (if necessary) is included for 12 months.
Access to the UK’s largest independent optometrist network for post-operative care.
Affordable payment options designed for everyone, with interest free and interest bearing options available

Why choose Precision Vision for Lasek Laser Eye Surgery?

Top-notch Treatments

Precision Vision sets the standard in laser eye treatments, with Advanced Wavefront technology used in all our procedures, ensuring our patients always get the best results.. Our clinic features the world’s highest-performance eye laser for refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery. Both FDA-approved laser vision correction treatments, Lasik and Lasek, are offered at our clinic.

Exceptional Surgeons

Precision Vision is committed to providing truly personalised treatment plans, uniquely tailored for each eye of every patient. Dr. Pillai, our Medical Director and laser surgeon, stands as one of the pioneering surgeons in the UK to execute bilateral Lasik treatment, treating both eyes on the same day. With over 30 years of experience as an ophthalmic surgeon, Dr. Pillai specialises in refractive and corneal procedures, ensuring the highest level of expertise and care for our patients.

Premium Service

In cases where laser treatment is deemed unsuitable for a patient, Precision Vision provides alternative treatment options to correct their prescription. With the country's largest independent optometrist network, patients have the flexibility to receive treatment at the Harley Street clinic and convenient aftercare at a location closer to them. Our commitment to transparency extends to pricing, ensuring that all patients, regardless of the complexity of their prescription, pay the same price for our services.

Lasek Laser Eye Surgery FAQ's

What is LASEK surgery, and how does it differ from LASIK?

LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) is a type of laser eye surgery that involves reshaping the cornea to correct vision. Unlike LASIK, LASEK does not create a corneal flap but instead uses a thinner layer of corneal tissue. Both surgeries aim to correct refractive errors, but the technique and recovery differ.

Am I a suitable candidate for LASEK surgery?

The suitability for LASEK depends on various factors such as your eye health, prescription, and corneal thickness. A comprehensive eye examination will help determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

What vision problems can LASEK surgery correct?

LASEK is effective in treating nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. The surgery reshapes the cornea to improve the way light enters the eye, thereby correcting refractive errors.

How long does the LASEK procedure take, and is it painful?

The LASEK procedure typically takes about 15-30 minutes per eye. Anesthetic eye drops are used to numb the eye, so patients usually experience minimal discomfort during the surgery.

What is the recovery time for LASEK surgery?

Recovery time varies, but most patients can expect noticeable improvement in vision within a few days to a week. It may take several weeks to achieve optimal results. The eye clinic will provide post-operative care instructions to support the recovery process.

Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with LASEK surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, LASEK carries some risks, including dry eyes, glare, halos, and fluctuations in vision. These risks are typically temporary and can be managed with proper post-operative care.

How long do the effects of LASEK surgery last?

LASEK provides long-term vision correction, and many patients experience stable vision for years. However, factors such as aging or changes in eye health can affect vision over time.

Can both eyes be treated on the same day, and is there any downtime after the surgery?

Yes, both eyes can be treated on the same day. While there may be some downtime immediately after the surgery, most patients can resume normal activities within a few days, with some restrictions.

Will I still need glasses or contact lenses after LASEK surgery?

While the goal of LASEK is to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses, individual results may vary. Some patients may still need glasses for certain activities or experience minor visual imperfections.

How much does LASEK surgery cost, and is it covered by insurance?

The cost of LASEK surgery varies, and insurance coverage may differ. Many insurance plans do not cover elective refractive surgeries, but some clinics offer financing options. It's advisable to check with the eye clinic and your insurance provider for specific details.