For many people who enjoy swimming, experiencing the underwater world—whether in the clear waters of the sea or a chlorinated swimming pool—often comes with a blurry and cloudy perspective. Most people just accept this blurry underwater vision as a natural part of being in the water, but why does our eyesight change so dramatically when submerged?

The answer lies in a fascinating blend of science and our everyday habits. Suppose you’ve ever wondered how to improve your underwater vision or even if you could see clearly underwater without goggles. In that case, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive deep into the reasons for this phenomenon, the science behind underwater vision, and actionable ways to improve your underwater clarity.

The Underwater Visual Experience: Why Our Vision Becomes Blurry

The human eye is adapted to viewing through air in our typical land environment. The cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, plays a crucial role in focusing incoming light. It is responsible for approximately 66% of the eye’s focusing power. The interaction between the cornea and the air allows light to bend correctly, making our vision crisp and clear.

However, once we dive underwater, this delicate relationship between air and cornea is disrupted. Instead of air, the cornea is now exposed to water, which has a similar refractive index to the eye’s internal fluids. This results in a drastic reduction of the cornea’s ability to bend light, causing a blurred and unfocused view. Essentially, the eye is not built to accommodate the way light refracts through water, hence the hazy view.

To add to this discomfort, swimming underwater without goggles can often lead to irritation. Sea water contains salt, which can irritate the sensitive surfaces of the eyes, and swimming pools are treated with chlorine. This chemical can cause conjunctivitis, commonly known as “swimmer’s eye.” Typical symptoms include:

  • Teary eyes
  • Redness
  • Stinging or burning sensations
  • Temporary visual disturbances

Thankfully, these effects are usually temporary and can be resolved by gently flushing the eyes with cold water or using sterile eye drops to alleviate discomfort.

Meet the Amazing Sea Gypsies: Exceptional Underwater Vision

sea gypsies

Imagine being able to see underwater as clearly as you do above the surface—without goggles. While this may sound like science fiction for most of us, for a community of people known as the Moken Sea gypsies from Thailand, it’s a fascinating reality. These children have an extraordinary underwater vision that helps them search for clams and shells and even hunt for food on the ocean floor. Their underwater vision is about twice as good as that of the average child from Europe, and remarkably, they do not experience the typical irritation or discomfort that plagues most of us. So, how is it that these children have such incredible underwater eyesight?

Over time and through necessity, the Moken children’s eyes have adapted. They possess an ability to control their pupil size uniquely—constricting them significantly to enhance clarity, much like a pinhole camera. The result is a much sharper image while underwater, despite the limitations faced by the rest of us. It is a clear example of how the human body can adapt to environmental demands over time.

Can We Improve Our Underwater Vision?

The remarkable underwater ability of the Moken children led researchers to question whether others could learn this skill. Can we train our eyes to see more clearly underwater, even without the aid of goggles?

The answer is a resounding yes. Researchers conducted a study involving European children, attempting to train them to improve their underwater vision similarly to the Moken children.

The results were astounding. After just 11 training sessions over 33 days, the children demonstrated a significant improvement in their underwater vision. Even more surprisingly, these improvements remained eight months after the training had ended, showing that with a little exercise, the human eye can adapt to underwater environments more effectively.

The secret to their improved vision lay in their pupils’ ability to constrict underwater, mimicking the natural adaptation seen in the Moken children. With repeated exposure and practice, their eyes began to adjust and provide better clarity without external aid.

How Can You Improve Your Underwater Vision?

While the concept of training your eyes might sound promising, it isn’t a practical solution for everyone. Training your vision to adapt underwater takes time, and even then, it may be less effective for adults compared to young children whose eyes are still developing and are more adaptable.

However, there are other practical steps you can take to enhance your underwater experience.

1. Goggles: The Simplest Solution

The most effective and accessible way to achieve clear vision underwater is to use well-fitted swim goggles. Goggles create an air pocket in front of your eyes, allowing the cornea to focus light correctly, just as it does on land. For both comfort and safety, choose goggles with:

  • Adjustable straps for a tight but comfortable fit.
  • Anti-fog coating to prevent condensation.
  • UV protection if you are swimming outdoors.

Goggles are an easy, reliable way to see clearly and protect your eyes from irritants like saltwater and chlorine.

2. Avoid Wearing Contact Lenses While Swimming

Although contact lenses may seem like an easy solution, wearing them underwater is highly discouraged. Both seawater and swimming pools can be home to a variety of bacteria and parasites. When combined with contact lenses, these pathogens can attach to the lens surface and lead to severe eye infections or even sight-threatening conditions such as Acanthamoeba keratitis. It is always safer to remove contact lenses before swimming or to use daily disposables and discard them immediately after.

3. Eye Protection and Treatment

If you experience irritation after swimming, flush your eyes thoroughly with clean water to remove any lingering salt or chemicals. Lubricating eye drops can also help soothe irritation and maintain moisture levels.

Advanced Options: Surgical and Technological Solutions

Several options are worth considering for those looking for more advanced solutions to improve their overall vision, including underwater vision.

Laser Eye Surgery 

Laser eye surgery is a popular procedure that can help achieve 20/20 vision without the need for contact lenses or glasses. While laser surgery primarily enhances your land-based vision, it also serves as a solid foundation for underwater clarity, particularly when combined with goggles.

Laser surgery reshapes the cornea, improving its ability to focus light properly. With improved general vision, many people find that their underwater experiences also become significantly enhanced—when using goggles or other protective eyewear.

Cutting-edge tech for Underwater Clarity

Technology is also taking underwater vision to new heights. Imagine being able to navigate underwater with a virtual reality headset, enhancing your visibility and even providing interactive elements to your swim. While still in development, these VR underwater headsets could one day transform your pool or ocean experience.

Military-grade goggles with night vision capabilities are also available, though they are currently restricted to military and professional divers. Such technologies demonstrate the amazing potential for advancements in underwater exploration and visibility.

Summary: Improving Your Underwater Vision

Whether you’re a casual swimmer or an avid diver, the limitations of underwater vision can be frustrating. Thankfully, there are several practical methods and promising technologies to help you see more clearly while submerged. Training your eyes like the Moken sea gypsies might not be feasible for everyone. Still, there are effective, tried-and-true methods such as wearing goggles, avoiding contact lenses, and considering advanced surgical options.

If you’re interested in discussing laser eye surgery or would like to know more about enhancing your overall vision, Precision Vision Clinic can help. Our experienced ophthalmologists offer comprehensive consultations to determine the best treatment for your unique needs.

Book Your Consultation Today!

Ready to improve your vision—both above and below the water? Get in touch with Precision Vision Clinic and schedule a consultation. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way.

📞 Call us now at 020 3884 6805 or visit our booking page to make your appointment. Dive into a world of clarity with Precision Vision Clinic!