

Cataracts Surgery

What are Cataracts?

A cataract is a condition where the eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy, leading to vision impairment such as blurry vision, difficulty seeing in low light, and increased sensitivity to glare. While ageing is a common factor, genetics, medications, and eye injuries can also contribute. Surgical intervention is an effective treatment, replacing the cloudy lens with an artificial one to restore clear vision.

Precision Vision, located in the heart of London, prioritises quality healthcare over quantity. Dr. CT Pillai, our renowned surgeon, specialises in providing personalised care for optimal results. Experience freedom from glasses through our expertise in Cataracts surgery, tailored to individual needs and delivered with cutting-edge precision for improved visual health.

Cataracts Surgery Prices starting from just £83.33 per eye/month.

with a £1250 deposit for 24 months

About Cataracts

What is a cataract The Causes of Cataracts Symptoms Benefits of Cataract Eye Surgery

What is a Cataract?

Welcome to Precision Vision – Your Premier Destination for Comprehensive Cataract Care

At Precision Vision, we understand the profound impact cataracts can have on your vision and overall quality of life. As a leading clinic specialising in cataract treatment, we are dedicated to providing informative insights and advanced solutions to ensure you experience optimal vision at every stage.

Understanding Cataracts:

A cataract develops when the natural crystalline lens of the eye loses transparency and gradually becomes opaque. With age, the lens naturally hardens and thickens, leading to cloudiness that limits light passing through to the retina. This progression results in hazy and blurry vision, often likened to looking through frosted glass.

Given that cataracts affect the natural lens, traditional visual aids like glasses or contact lenses cannot correct the impairment. As cataracts worsen over time, they become the most common cause of vision loss in individuals over fifty. It can affect one or both eyes, and its gradual onset may go unnoticed initially. However, if left untreated, cataracts can ultimately lead to blindness.

Treatment and Restoration of Vision:

The good news is that cataracts can be easily removed through surgery, offering a full restoration of eyesight. Early diagnosis is crucial, as timely treatment can prevent further vision loss. Precision Vision is committed to providing comprehensive cataract care, ensuring that you receive the right intervention tailored to your specific needs.

Advanced Lens Replacement Options:

As technology evolves, so do our treatment options. Multifocal Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) were introduced to enhance both distance and near vision. However, the demands of our digital age have underscored the importance of intermediate vision, making it a crucial consideration. Enter Trifocal IOLs – the latest generation of multifocal lenses that revolutionize vision correction.

Trifocal IOLs offer a comprehensive solution, correcting distance, near, and intermediate vision. In an era dominated by computers, tablets, smartphones, and similar devices, the need for improved intermediate vision is more significant than ever. Our patients experience the freedom of being glasses-free for the vast majority of their tasks after receiving eye lens replacement surgery.

Cataract vs Healthy Eye

Types of Cataracts:

Understanding the various forms of cataracts is essential for informed decision-making. Here are three common types:

1. Subcapsular Cataract: This forms at the back of the lens and is associated with risks such as steroid use or diabetes.

2. Nuclear Cataract: Developing deep in the central area of the lens, this type is commonly linked to the aging process.

3. Cortical Cataract: Characterised by white, wedge-shaped opaque areas, this type occurs in the lens cortex, surrounding the central nucleus.

Apart from these, cataracts can manifest in other forms:

Congenital Cataracts: Present from birth or emerging during the first year of life, though rare compared to age-related cataracts.

Secondary Cataracts: Resulting from diseases or medications, with diabetes and glaucoma being associated with their development.

Traumatic Cataracts: Emerging in eyes subjected to injury, though cataracts might not develop until several years post-injury.

Radiation Cataracts: A potential side effect of radiation treatment for cancer.

Your Journey to Clear Vision Starts Here:

Precision Vision is your trusted partner on the journey to optimal eye health. Our cataract specialists are committed to providing expert care, from early diagnosis to advanced surgical interventions, ensuring you enjoy a life unhindered by the challenges of cataracts.

Don’t let cataracts compromise your vision and daily activities. Visit our Harley Street clinic today and experience the Precision Vision difference – where clarity meets precision, and a life of clear vision awaits you.

The Causes of Cataracts

Cataracts form as a consequence of the natural aging process in the eye’s lens. In some cases, younger patients may also develop cataracts due to factors such as trauma, vitamin deficiencies, or systemic conditions.

While the exact cause of age-related cataracts is unknown, it is believed to stem from the proteins in the lens coming together and forming clumps.

This process initiates the development of a cataract in a small area of the lens, and over time, the clumping intensifies, leading to the gradual enlargement of the cataract. Several factors are believed to contribute to the development of age-related cataracts, including:

Age – The longer we live the more likely we are to develop cataracts
Family history
Regular excessive drinking
Lifestyle factors – Poor diet & overexposure to sunlight (UV light)
Steroid medicines
Long-term use of statins and phenothiazine’s
Other eye conditions such as uveitis or iritis
High blood pressure
Previous eye injuries
Exposure to radiation from cancer treatments and X-rays


Over time, patients will develop symptoms that can include:

Blurry vision
Cloudy, foggy or misty vision (frosted glass effect)
Difficulty reading and needing more light
Reduced colour intensity (colours are less bright and more faded)
Halos and glare around lights
Difficulty driving at night
Yellowing of colours
Frequent changes in spectacle prescription
Healthy Vision vs Cataracts Vision

Benefits of Cataract Eye Surgery

Enhanced vision – Clearer and sharper image detail and colours are brighter
Improved self-confidence and independence
Improved quality of life – Cataracts can cause people to become withdrawn from society and dependent on others
Better mental health – Signs of depression caused by the loss of independence triggered by cataracts are significantly reduced
Improves the chances of living longer – The Improvement in physical well being reduces the probability of falls and fractures
Lifestyle benefits – Regaining the ability to read, work, drive, do sports and other social activities allows patients to return back to a normal life and start new hobbies
Other eye problems can be treated, should you have such issues and your cataracts are interfering with the treatment of them

Cataracts can significantly hamper your ability to enjoy your day-to-day life. Such routine tasks as reading and driving can be out of bounds due to your cataracts.

However, according to a 2013 study, people who have cataract surgery enjoy a 36% better quality of life as a result compared to people who don’t receive such surgery.

This statistic sheds yet more light on why, if you are suffering from cataracts, you ought to seriously consider receiving cataract treatment from our London clinic. We are based on Harley Street, making us well within reach even for people in areas like Essex and Hertfordshire just outside the capital.

There is an urgency to treating cataracts after they have started developing even though some cataracts might stop growing, they won’t get smaller in size without intervention. That intervention can come in the form of cataract eye surgery, which is a very common surgical procedure with us at Precision Vision. 


Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery

Welcome to Precision Vision – Your Trusted Destination for Personalised Cataract Treatment

Discover a tailored approach to cataract treatment at Precision Vision, where Cataract Surgery, akin to the Clear Lens Exchange procedure, takes centre stage. We pride ourselves on delivering bespoke cataract surgery, meticulously crafted to meet the unique needs of each individual patient.

Our procedure involves the precise removal of the cataract from the natural crystalline lens, seamlessly replacing it with an intraocular lens (IOL) implant to correct vision. The type of intraocular lens selected determines the potential for patients to enjoy a glasses-free life.

The cataract treatment process is efficient, taking approximately 30 minutes per eye, with both eyes treated on the same day. This procedure has the remarkable ability to fully restore sight lost due to cataracts, making it one of the most widely performed surgeries globally. In the UK alone, over 300,000 cataract surgeries are conducted annually.

cataract treatment

Endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as one of the safest treatments worldwide, cataract surgery at Precision Vision requires just one qualification – the presence of a cataract, even in its early stages. If you seek to correct near, far, and intermediate vision without cataracts, Lens Replacement or Clear Lens Exchange may be viable alternatives.

Embark on your journey to clearer vision with Precision Vision, where safety, precision, and personalised care converge. Our commitment is to enhance your visual well-being, ensuring a life unhindered by the limitations of cataracts. Visit our clinic today to experience the Precision Vision difference – where clarity meets precision, and a future of clear vision awaits you.

Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs)

About Types of IOL Implants

What are Intraocular Lens Implants

Unlike NHS providers, Precision Vision goes beyond the standard offerings by providing truly bespoke treatments with a focus on intraocular lenses (IOLs) tailored to your specific needs. While basic Monofocal lenses are commonly offered elsewhere, our commitment to personalised care ensures that you receive the type of lens best suited to your lifestyle and visual requirements.

During a comprehensive consultation, our skilled surgeons assess your individual needs to determine the most suitable intraocular lens for you. We understand that lifestyle and visual demands vary, and our goal is to enhance your vision across all spectrums.

Multifocal IOLs were initially introduced to improve both distance and near vision. However, in today’s digital age where demands on intermediate vision are prevalent due to computers, tablets, and smartphones, Trifocal IOLs have emerged as the latest generation of multifocal lenses.

As an independent surgeon lead clinic, we have no restrictive associations with any lens manufacturers, consequently we offer the best type of lens for you, with the aim to achieve your ideal refractive surgical solution. This enables our patients to enjoy life without the need for glasses after cataract treatment at our London clinic.

Rest assured, the adaptation to Trifocal lenses is seamless and natural. Unlike varifocal glasses or multifocal contact lenses, these next-generation multifocal IOLs offer superior quality of vision. The efficient transmittance of light through the lens implant improves intermediate vision with minimal glare and halos at night.

Published reports highlight increased levels of patient satisfaction, improved vision quality (especially at night), and greater freedom from glasses. Imagine experiencing clear vision at all distances!

At Precision Vision, we proudly use these revolutionary Trifocal lenses. With no affiliation to specific lens manufacturers, we have the flexibility to correct any prescription range. Our enviable reputation is built on successfully treating patients deemed unsuitable by other clinics.

tri vision range

Embark on a journey to clear, natural vision with Precision Vision – where personalised care meets cutting-edge technology. Visit our clinic and discover the Precision Vision difference, where clarity and freedom from glasses await you.

Types of Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs)

Types of IOL Implants

We offer different types of IOLs, which can give you clear vision at different distances:

Monofocal: Available in both spherical and toric (for astigmatism) designs, this is single focus intraocular lens (IOL) which gives clear distance vision, and glasses are needed for reading and computer use.
Trifocal: Available in both spherical and toric (for astigmatism) designs, the layered concentric circular design corrects each prescription issue with each layer, enabling for simultaneous correction of near, distance and intermediate vision leaving patients completely glasses free.
Piggyback Trifocal: Available in both spherical and toric (for astigmatism) designs. This is the ideal lens for patients who have already had cataract surgery on the NHS and want to be free from varifocal or reading glasses.

Lenses Available at Precision Vision

Precision Vision is a completely independent surgeon led clinic and have no affiliation with any manufacturers or paid consultants enabling us to choose the best lenses to fit our patients’ visual and lifestyle needs. We have access to the three most widely used Trifocal (intraocular lenses) IOLs:

AT LISA (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany) – available in spherical and toric designs.
FineVision (PhysIOL, Liege, Belgium) – available in spherical and toric designs.
PanOptix (Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas) – available in spherical and toric designs.

We also provide to the two most commonly used Piggy back Trifocal lenses:

Sulcoflex (Rayner Intraocular Lenses, East Sussex, UK) – available in spherical and toric designs
Add-On (HumanOptics, Erlangen, Germany) – available in spherical and toric designs


VERION image Guided System The Centurion Vision System The Lux-OR Ophthalmic Microscope

The VERION Image Guided System

This is used to capture a digital reference image of the eye during the initial assessment which is used to create a surgical plan. This equipment is also used throughout the treatment allowing the surgeon to see all incisions and alignments in real time, improving accuracy and minimising errors especially whilst correcting astigmatism.

VERION Image Guided System

The Centurion Vision System

Precision Vision is the first clinic in the UK to possess this equipment and it is the newest phacoemulsification system available (this breaks up and removes the natural lens). It allows for smaller incisions and is able to optimise every phase of the lens removal. The device also controls the intra-ocular pressure throughout the treatment and enhances the control of the surgeon, consequently improving the patient’s outcome and accelerating the recovery process.

Centurion Vision System

The Lux-OR Ophthalmic Microscope

The Lux-OR LX3 with Q-VUE Ophthalmic Microscope is designed to provide superior visualisation throughout the surgical procedure, this microscope is able to expand the visual field with a highly stable, 6x greater red reflex zone, providing excellent visual detail with superior visualisation of the retina.

Lux-OR LX3 with Q-VUE Ophthalmic Microscope

Your 4 step Treatment Plan

Our approach revolves around prioritising your optimal well-being.

Prior to your consultation

Your first point of contact will be with Precision Vision’s highly trained and knowledgeable patient coordinators.


On the day of your treatment, our clinical team will guide you through the process and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Eye Surgery


At Precision Vision, we believe that it is essential to be selective to ensure that every patient has the best treatment to suit their visual and lifestyle needs which is why determining suitability is incredibly important.


Your aftercare begins immediately after treatment when you are taken to the recovery room to relax and, when you are ready to leave, our specialist nurse will examine you before you go home.

Price Guide for Cataract Surgery

Price Guide

Consultation Fee – £300

This deposit is taken at the time of booking and is non-refundable

Monofocal Lens – £3250 per eye

Distance correction without astigmatism.

Monofocal Toric Lens – £3750 per eye

Distance correction for patients who have an astigmatism.

Simple Trifocal/Multifocal Lens – £3850 per eye

Multi-distance correction (distance, near and intermediate vision)

Multifocal Toric Lens – £4300 per eye

Trifocal Toric Lens – £4300 per eye

The type of lens a patient is suitable for is dependent on whether there is an astigmatism present and the results of the consultation. A deposit of £1250 per eye is required when reserving treatment and is deducted from the final cost.

Yag Laser – £1000 per eye 

Once the aftercare program has been completed, you will be discharged, however, it is recommended that annual check-ups are attended. 

Precision Vision’s Gold Standard Cataract Package includes:

A fully comprehensive consultation with Precision Vision’s expert team – including essential eye tests, health checks, dilation, biometry and topographic mapping.
The opportunity to speak to Precision Vision’s Medical Director and your treating surgeon prior to surgery, for extra peace of mind.
A personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs.
All inclusive 12 month aftercare program.
24-hour post treatment telephone access to Precision Vision's expert team.
All post-operative medication is provided for 1 month after surgery.
Laser fine tuning (if necessary) is included for 12 months.
Access to the UK’s largest independent optometrist network for post-operative care.

Why Choose Precision Vision for Cataracts?

Top-notch Treatments

Each treatment at Precision Vision is meticulously tailored to the unique needs of every individual, ensuring unparalleled results. Pioneering innovation, Precision Vision proudly stands as the inaugural clinic in the UK to house the state-of-the-art Alcon Refractive Suite, the latest and most advanced non-laser theatre in the country, setting new standards in precision eye care.

Our skilled surgeons not only use the most advanced technology, but also practice techniques like phacoemulsification, that make this procedure even safer and optimise visual results

Exceptional Surgeons

Boasting a world-class non-laser surgical team, Precision Vision is proud to feature the distinguished expertise of renowned surgeons,  Complemented by a carefully selected group of highly seasoned NHS consultants, this formidable team is dedicated to providing exemplary care for our privately insured patients. As a surgeon-led clinic, Precision Vision maintains complete independence, devoid of any affiliations with manufacturers. This autonomy empowers our surgeons to meticulously select the most optimal lenses tailored to the unique visual and lifestyle requirements of our patients.

Premium Service

Dedicated to delivering unparalleled patient care, Precision Vision consistently exceeds expectations at every stage of the journey. From initial consultations to treatment and ongoing aftercare, all services are seamlessly provided at the state-of-the-art Precision Vision clinic on Harley Street. For those desiring check-ups closer to home, our extensive network includes the largest independent optometrist network in the country. This ensures that patients can experience exceptional aftercare conveniently at a location of their choice, further enhancing their overall healthcare experience.

Cataracts FAQ's

Is cataract surgery a new procedure?

The first successful lens or cataract surgery was performed by Sir Harold Ridley in 1949 and the procedure has an exceptionally high safety record developed over more than 60 years.

Cataract treatment is the most commonly performed eye procedure in the world and millions of operations are carried out every year. With the latest micro-incision phacoemulsification technology, no stitches are required and recovery is very quick. There are no injections as anesthetic drops are used instead.

What is the difference between CLE and cataract surgery?

The CLE procedure is virtually identical to cataract surgery. The only difference between the two is that a clear lens is removed in the CLE procedure and a cloudy lens is removed in cataract surgery.

Can you have Multifocal lenses if you have already had cataract treatment?

Patients that have Cataract treatment with the NHS are not given an option regarding lenses and are solely offered Monofocal lenses that will only correct distance vision, leaving you with a reading prescription. Piggyback lenses can be used to treat these patients and a secondary lens (Multifocal) is implanted to correct your reading vision.

Will the procedure be painful?

No pain is felt as anaesthetic drops are used to numb the eye. However, some discomfort or pressure can be felt during the procedure.

How much time off work will you require?

You will be able to perform most everyday tasks the day after surgery without any difficulty but the amount of time needed off will vary according to each individual. Your working environment will also be taken into consideration and the surgeon will advise on what precautions should be taken at your consultation. If there is an interim period between both eyes being treated, it can affect how much time you may need to take off work.

How many times will you need to attend the Harley Street clinic?

Your initial assessment, treatment days, one day after surgery, the two week and three months aftercare appointments are all usually carried out at our Harley Street clinic. After this time we can hand you over to the care of one of our many nationwide independent optometrist partners, allowing you to stay closer to home for the remainder of the follow-up appointments.

How long does the lens implant last?

A lifetime! Once the natural lens has been removed and replaced with a lens implant you will likely never require surgery again. The materials from which the lenses are made have been subject to accelerated ageing tests. Results have demonstrated that the lens material will last in excess of 150 years before showing signs of degradation.

What are Monofocal implants?

A multifocal lens has more than one point of focus, enabling clear distance, intermediate and near vision. It has revolutionised the results of treatment and allows for patients’ to be completely free from all visual aids.

Are Multifocal IOLs like varifocal spectacles or contact lenses?

No. The optical design is completely different to varifocal spectacles. Instead of you needing to move your head to adjust your focus, you will be able to comfortably see distance and near without having to make any changes. Layered concentric circles are used to correct each form of prescription issue allowing for simultaneous correction of all fields of vision.

How long after surgery will you be able see clearly?

Most patients notice a difference to their vision immediately after the procedure. Distance vision is the first field of vision to settle, typically taking 24 to 48 hours. However, it can take a bit of time for your brain to adjust to your new reading vision.

Will there be restrictions after surgery?

There will be a few restrictions after treatment. For example, it is recommended that you avoid any situation where you may be hit in the eye, like playing sports. At your consultation, we will take into consideration your lifestyle and hobbies when recommending any restrictions.

Where will the treatment take place?

All our treatments are carried out at our clinic on 77 Harley Street. We are one of the very few clinics in UK where everything from consultation to surgery and aftercare is conducted under one roof.

Will you be able to feel the implant?

The implant is inside the eye so it cannot be felt, it will not feel like a contact lens and you will be completely unaware that it is there, apart from experiencing greatly improved vision.