
Lasik Eye Surgery

What is Lasik?

LASIK, or Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a popular refractive eye surgery that utilises a laser to reshape the cornea, correcting common vision issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Precision Vision, situated in the heart of London, distinguishes itself as a premier provider of personalised eye treatments, including LASIK, under the expert guidance of renowned surgeon Dr. CT Pillai, prioritising quality care for exceptional outcomes in laser eye surgery.

Laser Surgery Prices starting from just £89.58 per eye/month.

with a £250 deposit for 24 months

About Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

About Suitability


Precision Vision is one of the most trusted and advanced LASIK laser eye surgeries in London. We’ve helped numerous patients throughout the UK enjoy reduced dependence on visual aids like glasses or contact lenses. We’ve achieved 20/20 vision or better for over 99% of our patients and helped improve the vision of patients deemed unsuitable elsewhere.

LASIK surgery has proven safe and effective and has allowed many patients to freely pursue career options or sports activities and personal hobbies without any visual aid. 

Book yourself a FREE CONSULTATION for life-changing Laser Eye Surgery today.

Long-sighted, short-sighted and astigmatism… however HIGH or LOW your prescription is, for the sake of clarity and transparency we use fixed pricing and will not change our price after your consultation – and that includes a comprehensive eye examination.

LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis and is the most commonly performed type of laser vision correction in the world. LASIK eye surgery is proven to be safe and effective. Advanced Wavefront LASIK is completely blade-free and has a very quick recovery time, hence is now the first choice for vision correction.

There are two parts to the blade-free LASIK procedure:

A micro-thin flap is created in the cornea using a precision laser
A cool beam excimer laser is then used to reshape the cornea to correct the prescription.

With the introduction of bladeless LASIK in the 90’s, the appeal of LASIK treatments has improved considerably. Previously, normal LASIK procedures relied on the use of a microkeratome, a mechanical device which itself uses a blade in making the LASIK flap. 

LASIK eye surgery working

However, Advanced Wavefront LASIK differs by instead using a femtosecond laser. With this laser, we can produce a corneal flap that is significantly cleaner, thinner and more precise than that possible with standard LASIK surgery. For the patient, the resulting benefits and safety are immense.

Advanced Wavefront LASIK is able to treat a wide variety of prescriptions; long sight, short sight and astigmatism. Precision Vision’s expertise in laser vision correction is world renowned and has a reputation of successfully treating higher and more complex prescriptions, often treating those found unsuitable by other clinics.

Dr. CT Pillai was one of the first surgeons in the UK to perform bilateral (both eyes treated on the same day) LASIK treatment.


Advanced Wavefront Lasik is the most popular form of vision correction treatment and is able to treat a wide variety of prescriptions, long sightedness, short sightedness and astigmatism, and all within the space of a few minutes.

To be potentially suitable you must be:

Aged over the age of 18
Within the following prescription range: Between -9 DS (short sighted) and +5 DS (long sighted), with up to -5 DC (astigmatism)
Have a stable prescription

With the best international surgical team in the UK, our combined expertise in laser and non-laser treatments is without precedent. We take great pride in having the skills to help even those who have been turned down by other clinics. So book a consultation now to learn how Precision Vision can perfect your sight and improve your quality of life today.


Although we are passionate about correcting the sight of all those we possibly can at our LASIK eye surgery London clinic, we neither provide experimental treatments nor operate on those who suffer from conditions that prevent safe and ethical treatment.

Common reasons patients are found unsuitable for LASIK treatment include:

Age: patients younger than 18 are ineligible.
Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Hormonal changes experienced during pregnancy and breastfeeding can temporarily affect the refractive errors of the individual
Thin corneas
Exceptionally large pupils
Unstable prescription: patients whose prescriptions have changed significantly in the past year should wait until their vision stabilises
Certain medications: You would be ruled out for LASIK surgery at our London clinic if you are taking immunosuppressant drugs.
Specific health conditions: these include autoimmune diseases
Previous instance of serious eye trauma or retinal detachment.


About Benefits Treatment Process


Laser eye surgery involves reshaping the cornea at the front of the eye to correct visual defects and imperfections like short sight, long sight and astigmatism. To correct short sight, the cornea is flattened and to correct long sight, the cornea is curved.

Advanced Wavefront LASIK is completely blade-free unlike traditional methods, and consequently has a quick recovery time. The procedure is carried out using two extremely precise types of lasers. A micro-thin flap is created on the cornea using the highly specific Intralase laser and an excimer laser is then used to reshape the cornea to correct the prescription.

If you need LASIK in Essex, Hertfordshire or any other area just outside London, rest assured that our Harley Street clinic is easy to reach from where you live.

So, just how was LASIK invented? On the right is a must-watch inspirational video on the development of the LASIK procedure. 

It also compares LASIK to other lesser procedures available at the time, which took months to correct vision. Rangaswamy Srinivasan, the inventor of the LASIK procedure explains the safety and high degree of precision offered by Laser Eye Surgery.


Traditionally Laser eye surgery was carried out using a blade to create the precision flap. Here at Precisoin Vision we use a blade-free technique called Lasik, which creates the corneal flap.

As a result, patients of our LASIK surgery London services can enjoy the following benefits:

Sharp and clear vision
Safety – with fewer flap complications
Computer controlled precision providing superb accuracy
Proven faster visual recovery
Enhanced flap stability – three times more compared with LASEK
Enhanced flap healing – increased flap adhesion post-operatively
Reduced dry eye symptoms
No heat is produced and no damage to the surrounding corneal tissue
Lasik treatment was approved by the FDA in 1999

Due to the treatment’s use of bladeless technology, patients don’t need to fret about potentially suffering complications resulting from a manual blade’s creation of the flap. This issue could arise with the previous, traditional form of LASIK treatment.

Patients can anticipate achieving vision of 20/20 clarity or better. Meanwhile, compared to the more basic traditional type of LASIK surgery, Advanced Wavefront LASIK treatment is safer for the patient both in the short and long term.

We are leading providers in LASIK eye surgery, not just because of our state of the art technology, but more importantly due to Dr. CT Pillai, Precision Vision’s Medical Director who is a highly skilled corneal specialist and is extremely sought after in the field of vision correction. You will be in the hands of an expert pioneering surgeon who has over 30 years’ of experience in the field of refractive surgery. Having an experienced surgeon carry out your laser procedure is paramount in ensuring you are getting the very best quality of vision, and in the safest manner possible.

For these reasons and many more, Precision Vision is increasingly the eye clinic choice for vision correction for not only people seeking LASIK from Essex, Hertfordshire and other England counties, but also patients across the globe.

Treatment Process

When arriving at our LASIK London clinic on the day of surgery our friendly and experienced clinical team will guide you through every step of the way. The treatment is painless and only takes 20 minutes for both eyes. We only carry out blade-free and needle-free treatments at Precision Vision.

The Lasik eye surgery procedure is as follows:

Anaesthetic drops are then applied to numb the eyes. You will be awake and comfortable throughout the procedure.
The consultant will then apply an eye lid guard which is used to prevent blinking.
The corneal flap is then created, using the blade-free FS laser (LASIK)
The excimer laser uses your personalised treatment plan to reshape the corneal tissue to correct your prescription.
Throughout the procedure, the Advanced Control Eye-tracking (ACE) system guides the laser during the treatment by following and mirroring the movement of your eye.
A protective soft contact lens is placed in each eye.
Your specialist nurse will go through any precautions and medications that are needed to aid recovery.
Your aftercare will begin the day after the LASIK procedure


Schwind Amaris 1050RS Advanced Wavefront Technology 7 Dimensional eye tracking system

Schwind Amaris 1050RS

The SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS is a top-tier eye laser system renowned for its unmatched performance in refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery. Equipped with a 1050 Hz pulse rate and 7D eye tracking, it ensures exceptional speed, precision, and safety. Its versatility is highlighted by compatibility with standard laser treatment methods and the innovative SmartSurfACE technology, which promotes faster healing and vision recovery. The device’s convenience is enhanced by a swivelling laser arm, while its premium design adds aesthetic appeal.

High-performance laser system for refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery
Exceptional speed and safety with a 1.3 seconds per dioptre* ablation rate
Precision ensured by 7D eye tracking technology
Versatile applications including touch-free SmartSurfACE treatment
Convenience for both doctor and patient with a swivel laser arm
⁠Premium design with a high-gloss finish

Advanced Wavefront Technology

The Aberrometer meticulously measures the prescription and imperfections (aberrations) of the eye. It accomplishes this by directing a beam along 9000 points of the cornea to the retina and calculates the required refractive errors at these precise locations. This information generates a refractive and aberrations profile for each pupil.

The Aberrometer then employs the Zernike algorithm to mathematically reconstruct the wavefront. Since the Aberrometer measures total wavefront aberrations and mathematically represents them up to the 5th order Zernike terms, it is not limited to just sphere and cylinder (as used for glasses and contact lens prescriptions). This data, combined with the numerous tests conducted during your consultation, is utilised to formulate a truly personalised treatment plan.

7 Dimensional Eye Tracking System

During the consultation, a comprehensive scan is conducted to map the entire iris of each eye. Just as fingerprints are unique, this mapping generates a distinct digital identification for each eye. This iris map serves as the basis for the operation of the multi-dimensional eye tracker.

Throughout the procedure, the Advanced Control Eye-tracking (ACE) system is utilised. This cutting-edge 7-dimensional eye tracker guides the laser during treatment by accurately tracking and mirroring the eye’s movements. If excessive movement is detected, the laser automatically shuts off, ensuring precision and safety during the procedure.

Before commencing LASIK treatment in London, the ACE system must first identify the unique ID associated with the eye undergoing treatment. This crucial step ensures that treatment profiles are always correctly linked to the respective patient and eye.

Key features of the 7 Dimensional eye tracking system include:

Iris Recognition Technology: Ensures precise placement of personalised laser treatment by accurately identifying the patient's eye.
Comprehensive Eye Tracking: Tracks all eye movements across 7 dimensions (XYZ, intraoperative rotations, and static rotations) using iris recognition technology.
High Sampling Rate: Captures images of the eye at a rapid rate of 1,750 times per second (1750Hz), allowing for real-time monitoring and adjustment.
Ultra-Fast Response Time: With a response time of 2ms, the system ensures that no laser pulses are ever misplaced, maintaining accuracy and safety.
Adaptive Tracking: Capable of following even the most sudden or subtle eye movements, ensuring precise delivery of laser treatment throughout the procedure.

Your 4 step Treatment Plan

Our approach revolves around prioritising your optimal well-being.

Prior to your consultation

Your first point of contact will be with Precision Vision’s highly trained and knowledgeable patient coordinators.


On the day of your treatment, our clinical team will guide you through the process and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Eye Surgery


At Precision Vision, we believe that it is essential to be selective to ensure that every patient has the best treatment to suit their visual and lifestyle needs which is why determining suitability is incredibly important.


Your aftercare begins immediately after treatment when you are taken to the recovery room to relax and, when you are ready to leave, our specialist nurse will examine you before you go home.

Lasik Price Guide


Deposit payment prior to the consultation – £100

This deposit is taken at the time of booking, if found suitable it is deducted from the cost of treatment and if a patient is unsuitable this will be refunded in full. In cases where a patient is found suitable but does not proceed with treatment, a 50% refund will be provided to cover the cost of the consultation.

Advanced Wavefront LASIK (blade free) – £2400 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Advanced Wavefront LASEK – £2400 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Laser Surgery Blended Vision – £2800 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Specialist Laser Eye Surgery(for high prescriptions) – £2800 per eye

A deposit of £250 per eye is required when booking, this is deducted from the final cost of treatment.

Once the aftercare program has been completed, you will be discharged, however it is recommended that annual check-ups are attended.

Precision Vision’s Gold Standard Laser Package includes:


A fully comprehensive consultation with Precision Vision’s expert team – including essential eye tests, health checks, dilation, biometry and topographic mapping.
A personalised treatment plan tailored to your visual and lifestyle needs.
Both LASIK and LASEK procedures use Advanced Wavefront technology as standard
Safe, gentle, and touch-free treatment with SmartSurf AC
All inclusive 12 month aftercare program.
24-hour post treatment telephone access to Precision Vision's expert team.
All post-operative medication is provided for 1 month after surgery.
Laser fine tuning (if necessary) is included for 12 months.
Access to the UK’s largest independent optometrist network for post-operative care.
Affordable payment options designed for everyone, with interest free and interest bearing options available

Why choose Precision Vision for Lasik Laser Eye Surgery?

Top-notch Treatments

Precision Vision sets the standard in laser eye treatments, with Advanced Wavefront technology used in all our procedures, ensuring our patients always get the best results.. Our clinic features the world’s highest-performance eye laser for refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery. Both FDA-approved laser vision correction treatments, Lasik and Lasek, are offered at our clinic.

Exceptional Surgeons

Precision Vision is committed to providing truly personalised treatment plans, uniquely tailored for each eye of every patient. Dr. Pillai, our Medical Director and laser surgeon, stands as one of the pioneering surgeons in the UK to execute bilateral Lasik treatment, treating both eyes on the same day. With over 30 years of experience as an ophthalmic surgeon, Dr. Pillai specialises in refractive and corneal procedures, ensuring the highest level of expertise and care for our patients.

Premium Service

In cases where laser treatment is deemed unsuitable for a patient, Precision Vision provides alternative treatment options to correct their prescription. With the country's largest independent optometrist network, patients have the flexibility to receive treatment at the Harley Street clinic and convenient aftercare at a location closer to them. Our commitment to transparency extends to pricing, ensuring that all patients, regardless of the complexity of their prescription, pay the same price for our services.

Advanced Wavefront Lasik Vs SMILE

SMILE laser procedure is new laser technique where the surgeon uses a femtosecond laser to create a small, lens-shaped bit of tissue within the cornea. Then, with the same laser, a small arc-shaped incision is made in the surface of the cornea, and the surgeon extracts the lenticule through this incision and discards it. It is said to produce similar results as Lasik, however as it was only FDA approved in September 2016, it’s long term effects are not yet fully known.

 Advanced Wavefront LasikSMILE Technique
Long term effectsWell established for over 30 years, ongoing research available on safety and efficacyRelatively new technique (2011), long term effects unknown
Prescription rangeApproved for high range of short-sight, long sight, astigmatism and complex prescriptions for more than 15 yearsOnly treats limited range of short-sight and astigmatism
RetreatmentRetreatment done by lifting existing flap, quick and painless recoveryUnable to retreat with SMILE, patients require PRK which involves a slow and painful recovery
TechnologyWidely available with customised wavefront technology to correct minute imperfectionsDoes not incorporate wavefront technology
Pupil sizeExtended pupil size rangeCannot treat large pupils
AvailabilityStandardised and available on various laser platforms for many yearsOnly available on one laser platform
FDA approval1991Sep 2016

Lasik Laser Eye Surgery FAQ's

What is LASIK surgery, and how does it work?

LASIK, short for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a refractive surgery that employs a laser to reshape the cornea, effectively treating common vision problems. It enhances vision by correcting issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism through precise corneal adjustments.

How long does the LASIK procedure take?

The LASIK procedure typically takes around 15 minutes for both eyes. It's a quick and efficient process, and patients often experience improved vision shortly after the surgery.

Is LASIK painful?

LASIK is virtually painless. Before the surgery, numbing eye drops are applied, and patients may feel only slight pressure during the procedure. Discomfort is minimal, and most individuals report rapid recovery.

What is the recovery time after LASIK?

Recovery time is short, with many patients experiencing significantly improved vision within 24 hours. Most people can return to their normal activities, including work, the day after LASIK.

Are there any side effects of LASIK?

While rare, some patients may experience temporary side effects like dry eyes or glare, which often subside within a few days to weeks. Our experienced surgeon, Dr. C T Pillai, ensures personalized care to minimize such effects.

How do I know if I'm a suitable candidate for LASIK?

Precision Vision offers comprehensive consultations to determine candidacy. Factors like eye health, prescription stability, and overall health are considered. Dr. C T Pillai assesses each patient individually to provide tailored recommendations.

Can LASIK treat astigmatism?

Yes, LASIK is highly effective in treating astigmatism. The laser precisely reshapes the cornea to correct the irregular curvature causing astigmatism, leading to improved vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Is LASIK safe?

LASIK is a safe and FDA-approved procedure. Precision Vision adheres to strict safety standards, and with Dr. C T Pillai's expertise, patients can trust in the clinic's commitment to providing a secure and successful LASIK experience.

How much does LASIK cost at Precision Vision?

The cost of LASIK varies based on individual factors. Precision Vision offers transparent pricing during consultations. Our focus on quality ensures competitive rates for personalized care from a leading London clinic.

Can I finance LASIK treatment?

Yes, Precision Vision understands the financial aspect of LASIK. We offer flexible financing options to make this life-changing procedure accessible to all, allowing patients to experience the freedom from glasses without immediate financial strain.